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Today, I’ll talk about my school trip.
I enjoyed the school trip very much.
It was in February.
I liked it because we visited many places.

We went to Nagasaki and Kumamoto by plane.
Have you been to Nagasaki and Kumamoto?
Please look at this picture.
This is the Kumamot Castle, it was great.
It was built by Kiyomasa Kato.
This is the Heiwa Kinen Zo, Peace-Statue in Nagasaki.
The right hand represents the atomic bomb and the left hand represent the wish for peace.

It is very big, about 10 meters.
Next, these are flying gulls.
I took the picture on the ferry.

The birds were lovely.
Finally, this is one of the most famous food in Nagasaki.
Nagasaki Chanpon. It was very nice and yummy.
We had a great time.
I want to go to Nagasaki again.

Thank you.

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